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In order to participate in the webinar, registration is required.
The day before each webinar, registered attendees will receive the Zoom link and password by email.
They should avoid forwarding this information to non-registered potential participants.
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Los participantes registrados recibirán el día anterior a cada webinar el enlace Zoom y la contraseña para asistir al seminario. Se ruega no difundir esta información a potenciales asistentes no registrados.
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The Webinar in Ibero-American Economic History, jointly organized by economic historians from Universitat de Barcelona, the Figuerola Institute (UC3M), El Colegio de México and the Universidad de la República, Uruguay, aims to expand academic contacts and enhance the international dissemination of research on the economic history of Latin America.
After three successful series, we are delighted to announce a fourth series of online seminars for the Spring term of the academic year 2021-22.
Recordings of previous seminars are available on our YouTube channel.
The webinar meets on Zoom every second Friday at 4:00 pm CET. The new sessions will run from March 11th to June 3rd, 2022.
11 March 2022: Erick Langer (Georgetown University) - 'Sistemas de transporte y contrabando de plata en los Andes Centro Meridionales en el siglo XIX'
25 March 2022: Margarita Fajardo (Sarah Lawrence College) - Presentación del libro The World that Latin America Created: The UN Economic Commission for Latin America in the Development Era (en español)
8 April 2022: Andrea Montero Mora (Universidad de Costa Rica) - 'Los recursos naturales y los términos de intercambio en los países tropicales. Costa Rica como estudio de caso (1870-1935)'
22 April 2022: Diego Sánchez Ancochea (University of Oxford) - 'El costo de la desigualdad en América Latina: lecciones y advertencias para el resto del mundo' [VIDEO]
6 May 2022: Humberto Laudares (University of Geneva) and Felipe Valencia Caicedo (Vancouver School of Economics, UBC) - 'Tordesillas, Slavery, and the Origins of Brazilian Inequality' [VIDEO]
20 May 2022: Agustina Rayes (Universidad Nacional de San Martín) - 'Entre la influencia simbólica y el impacto real. Los tratados y el comercio exterior argentino, c.1860s-1913' [VIDEO]
3 June 2022: Javier Mejía (Stanford University) - 'Modernizing elites in Latin America: Social-network evidence from the emergence of banking in Antoquia' [VIDEO]
Each seminar has a maximum duration of one hour, with 40 minutes devoted to speakers’ presentation and the rest of time for questions. Each session has a moderator. Attendees can ask questions in writing in the chat and the moderator will be in charge of filtering and forwarding them to the speaker.
We will follow a flexible approach. Speakers will choose the language in which they prefer to present. Questions can be asked in Spanish, Portuguese or English. The language of the presentation will be communicated before each webinar.
Past seminars
First series (September-December 2020)
-18 September 2020: Oscar Calvo and Germán Caruso (World Bank) - “What do 50 years of census records and household survey data tell us about human opportunities and welfare in Latin America?”
-2 October 2020: Felipe González (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile) -"Chile's missing students: Dictatorship, higher education and social mobility"
-16 October 2020: Aldo Elizalde (University of Glasgow) - "Public good or public ‘bad’? Indigenous institutions, nation-building, and the demand for road infrastructure in Mexico”
-30 October 2020: Manuel Llorca-Jaña (Universidad de Valparaíso) - “Interpersonal violence in Chile, c.1880s-2010s: A tale of delayed but successful convergence”
-13 November 2020: Andrea Papadia (University of Bonn) - "Slavery and development in 19th century Brazil"
-27 November 2020: Aurora Gómez-Galvarriato (El Colegio de México) - “Two Centuries of Inequality in the Construction Sector in Mexico City, 1730-1930”
-11 December 2020: Marc Morgan (Paris School of Economics) - "More Unequal or Not as Rich? On the Missing Half of Latin American Income"
Second series (February-June 2021)
- 26 February 2021: Regina Grafe (European University Institute) - "Imperial regulation, commercial practices, and the pan-European genesis of the trade in enslaved Africans to Spanish America"
- 12 March 2021: Pablo Astorga (IBEI Barcelona) - "Revealing the Diversity and Complexity behind Income Inequality in Latin America, 1920-2011"
- 26 March 2021: Carlos G. Machicado (INESAD) and Diego A. Vera-Cossio (Inter-American Development Bank) - "Capital Humano y Crecimiento, El Impacto de la Revolución Nacional Boliviana"
- 9 April 2021: Luis Felipe Zegarra (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Perú-Centrum Business School) - "Wages, Prices and Living Standards in late colonial Peru"
- 23 April 2021: Leticia Arroyo-Abad (City University of New York) and Nuno Palma (University of Manchester) - "The Fruits of El Dorado: The Global Impact of American Precious Metals"
- 7 May 2021: Aldo Musacchio, Nidhiya Menon and Amanda Guimbeau (Brandeis University) - "The Brazilian Bombshell? The Short and Long-Term Impact of the 1918 Influenza Pandemic the South American Way"
- 21 May 2021: Mariano A. Bonialian (El Colegio de México) - "Redes peruleras hacia China, 1580-1605. Economía del Perú, Monarquía y globalización"
- 4 June 2021: Luis Bértola (Universidad de la República Uruguay) - "Nuevas estimaciones del Índice de Desarrollo Humano Histórico"
Third series (September-November 2021)
- 17 September 2021: Carlos Marichal (El Colegio de México) - "Primeros bancos, Estados y Guerra en América Latina, 1860-1878" [watch the recording on YouTube]
- 1 October 2021: Pedro Américo (University of British Columbia) - "Agrarian Elites, Education, and Long-Term Development: Evidence from 20th century Brazil" [watch the recording on YouTube]
- 15 October 2021: José Miguel Sanjuan (Universitat de Barcelona) y Martín Rodrigo (Universitat Pompeu Fabra) - "La rentabilidad de la trata de esclavos cubana durante la primera mitad del siglo XIX" [watch the recording on YouTube]
- 29 October 2021: Carmen Soliz (UNC Charlotte) - "Campos en Revolución: una re-visión de la reforma agraria en Bolivia" [watch the recording on YouTube]
- 5 November 2021: Luz Marina Arias (CIDE, México) & Diana Flores Peregrina (UCLA) - "The (Uneven) Legacy of Colonial Rural Estates in Mexico" [watch the recording on YouTube]
- 19 November 2021: Agustina Paglayan (UC San Diego) - "The Violent Origins of Mass Education Systems"
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